Saturday, December 10, 2005 Sold to Yahoo!

Although the purchase price is not public, Battelle is putting the sale price at $17-19m. If so (and I wouldn't be surprised at all by this number if it's true - Union Square Ventures needs to make a decent return on its investment), then the return on total programming time is enormous. is a very simple application, the kind of thing you write over the weekend (I know because I wrote one myself in about 7 hours). Although there were numerous improvements and bug fixes made throughout the last year, the fact is that it would be easy to start and run this kind of business in one's spare time.

The other class of applications like this (very simple to write and potentially having great value if users adopt them) are news filtering sites like or I expect one of those to also be sold shortly to GYM (Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft).


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